Flawless before the law
The legal services we offer will provide you with reassurance that your business is not only flawless before the law but you can also rely on an objective analysis of the contracts, cases and problems in the field of the tax, trade, labour and social security legislation. The preparation of the internal company documentation requires high expertise, which our team has. It is not necessary for us to have a contract for accounting services concluded with you to offer you legal services. But certainly the good knowledge of your business involves knowing your accounting in depth in order for it to be well protected.
This a part of the legal services we can do for you:
- Preparation of documents for registration of trading companies (Limited Liability Company, Single Member Limited Liability Company, Joint-Stock Company, etc.);
- Preparation of documents for registration of non-profit legal entities;
- Preparation of documents for registration of trademarks at the Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria;
- Preparation of documents for registration of changes in the statute of registered trading companies and non-profit legal entities;
- Legal analysis of contracts, cases and problems in the field of tax, trade, labour and social security legislation;
- Drafting of all kinds of contracts;
- Preparation of notarial invitations, power of attorneys, declarations, etc.;
- Preparation of internal company documentation on OHS (regulations, orders, instructions, rules, etc.);
- Preparation of complaints under issued audit acts, decrees and others.